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Food. Family. Faith.

We are a volunteer run not for profit farm that produces amazing fresh fruit, eggs and meat.

We sell fresh food to everyone and re-invest the profits to farmers overseas.  100% of our profits are donated to MCC's food security fund.  To date we have donated $87,000.  Sarah and Philip (the owners) do not take any salary or receive any financial compensation from the farm.


We use regenerative and organic principals to make the best food possible that will put your faith back in the food system and healthy, ethical and environmentally friendly meat.  


Organic grass fed pork
Organic grass fed beef
Organic garlic
Organic grass fed meat
Opening Hours


Meat Pick Up

Order online and I will put your order in our farm shop where you can pick it up anytime.  We can now ship across most of southern Ontario!

Our Store is Open

Products Your Entire Family Will Love

Grass Fed Beef

We are a cow/calf operation that grows grass fed, grass finished beef.  Our cows are never fed hormones, grain and spend all their time outside eating grass and being cows!

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Grass Fed Pork

We raise heritage breed Kunekune and Birkshire pigs on pasture!  They are fed organic grain, vegetables and fruit and grass.  We are a farrow to finish operation that lets our pigs be pigs and you can taste the difference!

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Want to learn more about our farm and get our amazing food? Get in touch!

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